Fleetwood Mac Everywhere
• OVER 150 PHOTOS : No other book has as many photos from the early days to present and from the studio to the stage.
• GO-TO MUSIC WRITER: Mike Evans is a noted musician and has written countless music biographies ranging from Ray Charles to Neil Young. He also wrote the bestselling, Fleetwood Mac: The Definitive History making him the perfect writer for this new book.
• SONG-BY-SONG REVIEWS: With their huge list of hits and their many albums, Evans explores the journey of the band through an examination of each song.
• ENDURING BAND: Formed in 1967, Fleetwood Mac is considered one of the greatest rock bands in music history. Together as a band or separately as artists, they continue to tour around the world.
• REMEMBERING CHRISTINE McVIE: The longtime keyboardist and vocalist died in November 2022. Evans will recognize her passing in the book. There will be a wellspring of interest for all things Fleetwood Mac when we anniversary that momentous date.